Last-Minute Holiday Gifts for Your Inner French Woman

Paris has long been considered the standard by which chic is measured. It only follows that black women living in the City of Light are even more fabulous, non?
As you scramble for last-minute gifts this holiday season, here are some great must-haves for the smart, fashionable, inner black Parisian woman in all of us. 
Pour prendre soin de sa belle chevelure:
(To take care of your beautiful hair)
La Brosse Crazy Pouss, ici, 9.90€
Afin d’avoir un parfum corporel d’été pendant cette période de grand froid:
(To smell like summer during this cold season)
Le Coffret Moana ici, 27,90 €
L’indispensable pour briller en toute circonstance:
(The must-have to shine in all circumstances)
Le rouge à lèvres Stunna Lip Paint, Fenty Beauty, ici, 21€
Afin de se réconcilier enfin avec ce mouvement politique:
(To finally reconcile with this political movement)
Le livre Le Féminisme, de Thomas Mathieu et Anne-Charlotte Husson, ici
Pour être classe dans les rues parisiennes:
(To be classy in the streets of Paris)
Le sac bourse INADEN Made in Africa with Love, ici, 189€
Parce-qu’on soutient les créatrices noires parisiennes:
(Because we support Parisian black designers)
Gros coussin rectangulaire, ici, 35€
Quand tu aimes les New York Knicks mais que tu vis à Paris
(When you love the New York Knicks but live in Paris)
Le Top Hirondelle Bleu classique Maison Château Rouge, made in Paris, ici, 95€

Laurie Pezeron

Laurie Pezeron is a writer, activist, and the founder of READ!, a renowned Paris-based literary circle for black literature and authors. She lives in Paris.

Welcome to AYO, an international meeting place for black women.

Here at AYO, we share honest, relevant stories for smart, creative, engaged, black women. From Brooklyn to Bordeaux, Lagos to Laos, we aim to meet black women wherever they are in the world. Literally.

AYO was launched in 2016 by founder and editor-in-chief Adenike Olanrewaju.

AYO is a labor of love that we hope will be a wellspring of cultural examinations and celebration; a place where various kinds of the black woman can exist. In this space, there is joy.

So here’s to finding your joy. Wherever you are.